Canon Prime Index

What is Canon Prime?

Canon Prime is a long-time work-in-progress worldbuilding project we've been expanding since about 2016. Since its so... broad... we felt it best to make a single, stationary home to share it through.

Through links in the sidebar on the right, you can explore this universe's various different realms and storylines. Have fun! | AO3

Questions You May Have (QYMH)

Q: Can I make an OC for this, or use existing characters for myself?

A: No. Nothing on this site is for use by anyone besides the siterunner, CRISISCUISINE, unless you're given our explicit permission.

Q: Do you plan to publish this setting in any capacity?

A: As of right now, no. Since we began development on it as a teenager, its... a bit too messy to adapt to a publishable format just yet. Maybe in the future, but organization needs to be done before that point.

Q: Are there any other platforms I can read about this setting on?

A: No, and I don't have plans to expand past here. Unless you count, this is the sole home for worldbuilding information about this project. Keeping everything in one place makes it much, much easier to manage.